Authors of accepted papers are required to submit the camera-ready version of their paper and the signed copyright form by April 30, 2023. The submission portal can be accessed on the EasyChair website. After logging in, please select the role of “proceedings author” for ICDAR 2023.
Each accepted paper requires at least one author to have performed a Full Registration before June 4, 2023 in order to include and publish the paper in the conference or workshop proceedings. One full registration covers a maximum of 2 papers by the same author. Note that the presenter of the paper does not need to be the same author who made the full registration.
Please note that one ZIP archive file (*.zip) is required to be uploaded, which includes all the LaTeX source files (with main.tex), the PDF of authors’ camera-ready paper copy (XXXX.pdf) and the signed copyright form (XXXX_copyright.pdf), where XXXX in the file names is the zero-padded, four-digit paper ID. One example of such a ZIP file with blank templates can be found here. Please carefully read the instructions section below for preparing the final submission materials. The paper you submit is final. It is expected that all copyright issues have been resolved, no references have been omitted, and that the authors listed in the paper are the final authors. Revisions to your submission will not be permitted after April 30, 2023.
- Please carefully take into account the reviewers’ comments and improve your paper when preparing the camera-ready version.
- Author list should be same as in the initial submission. Authors should not be added or deleted.
- Title of the paper should be the same as the initial submission.
- Figures and Tables should be cross referred in the text.
- Please note that Springer does not support color in text, tables or in equations.
- The template for the camera-ready papers is the same for initial submissions. The LaTeX template for LNCS can be downloaded here. It is also available on Overleaf. However, the authors should de-anonymize the paper by adding author names, affiliations, Email addresses, and ORCIDs. The authors should insert their ORCIDs in superscript next to their names (please see the LaTeX templates for examples). The authors can also add acknowledgement information if applicable.
- The number of pages is expected to be in the range of 12-15 pages excluding references.
- To upload your camera-ready paper and copyright form, please Log in to EasyChair for ICDAR 2023, and select the role of “proceedings author”. There are links at the top-right corner:
- “Update authors”: Please ignore this EasyChair website’s default setting. To avoid undeclared conflicts, the author lists for accepted papers are considered to be final. No changes of author list are allowed for camera-ready submission.
- “Upload new version”: Submitting the camera-ready paper and signed copyright form;
- “Submitted paper”: to access your initial submission for the review process.
5. After clicking the link “Upload new version”, there are two options: Paper Prepared Using LaTeX or Paper Prepared Using Microsoft Word. The first option is recommended by ICDAR 2023.
Latex option will look like the following:

Word option will look like the following:

For “Zip File”, please upload the ZIP archive file (*.zip) containing all the required materials.
For “PDF file”, you should upload the authors’ camera-ready paper copy corresponding exactly to the final source files.
For “Signed copyright form”, you should upload the signed copyright form. The corresponding author must sign the form on behalf of all of the authors of a particular paper, having gained their permission to do so. The corresponding author accepts responsibility for releasing the material on behalf of any and all co-authors. Please note
- The corresponding author (one per paper) must match the corresponding author marked in the header of the paper
- Springer does not accept digital signatures on the license-to-publish forms at present. Please print the form, sign it and scan it as a pdf.
- Sign the form with the official acceptance email and no other form.
Authors employed by US Government contractors or US Government departments may have to sign an alternative form. It is imperative that such authors contact their 5 legal departments and get in touch with us as soon as their paper has been accepted. Any copyright issues must be resolved before the final files are sent to Springer, otherwise this can delay the publication process.
Please note that the latter two files are also required to be included in the *.zip file to facilitate the checking process.
The ZIP archive file (*.zip) includes:
- All the LaTex source files (with main.tex),
- A PDF file of authors’ camera-ready paper copy (XXX.pdf)
- A signed copyright form (XXX_copyright.pdf), where XXX in the file names is the zero-padded, three-digit paper ID. For example, if your paper ID is 8, the XXX should be 008, such as 008.pdf and 008_copyright.pdf.
6. For any question related to the publication process, please do not hesitate to contact the publication chairs ( or Springer’s Editor (
7. For more information on author guidelines, please refer to Springer Guidelines for Authors of Proceedings