Call for Nominations for the IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievements Award

Nominations Due: April 30, 2023 June 15, 2023

The IAPR/ICDAR Award Program is an established program designed to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Document Analysis and Recognition in one or more of the following areas:

  • Research
  • Training of students
  • Research/Industry interaction
  • Service to the community

There are two awards categories, which have been presented together bi-annually in the past: The Young Investigator Award (less than 40 years old at the time the award is made) and the Outstanding Achievements Award. Because of the new yearly schedule of ICDAR, the two categories will alternate in odd and even years.

For ICDAR 2023, nominations are invited for the following award category:

  • IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievements Award

The award will consist of a token gift and a suitably inscribed certificate. The recipient will be invited to give the opening keynote speech at the ICDAR 2023 conference, introduced by the previous recipient of the award.

The nomination pack should include the following:

  1. A nominating letter (1 page) including a brief citation to be included in the certificate.
  2. Supporting letters (1 page each) from 3 active researchers from at least 3 different countries.

A nomination is usually put forward by a researcher (preferably from a different institution than the nominee) who is knowledgeable of the scientific achievements of the nominee, and who organizes letters of support.

The submission procedure is strictly confidential, and self-nominations are not allowed.

Please send nomination packs electronically to the TC10/11 chairs: Andreas Fischer and Jean-Christophe Burie The deadline for receiving nominations is April 30, 2023 but early submissions are strongly encouraged.