IAPR Best Paper Award

“A Hybrid Model for Multilingual OCR”
David Etter, Cameron Carpenter, and Nolan King

IAPR Best Student Paper Award

“Character Queries: A Transformer-based Approach to On-Line Handwritten Character Segmentation”
Michael Jungo, Beat Wolf, Andrii Maksai, Claudiu Musat, and Andreas Fischer

IAPR Best Poster Awards

“Precise Segmentation for Children Handwriting Analysis by Combining Multiple Deep Models with Online Knowledge”
Simon Corbillé, Éric Anquetil, and Élisa Fromont

“Combining OCR Models for Reading Early Modern Books”
Mathias Seuret, Janne van der Loop, Nikolaus Weichselbaumer, Martin Mayr, Janina Molnar, Tatjana Hass, and Vincent Christlein


The IAPR/ICDAR Award Program is an established program designed to recognize individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the field of Document Analysis and Recognition in one or more of the following areas:

  • Research
  • Training of students
  • Research/Industry interaction
  • Service to the community

The IAPR/ICDAR Outstanding Achievements Award will be presented at ICDAR 2023. The recipient of the award will be invited to give a keynote talk at the ICDAR 2023 conference.

Please see the Call for Nominations for the Outstanding Achievements Award.

ICDAR 2023 Awards

By tradition, ICDAR makes several awards to recognize outstanding research papers presented at the conference. These awards are decided by committees composed of leading members of the ICDAR community appointed by the program co-chairs. Short lists of candidate papers are prepared for the committees to review, after which voting takes place to determine the award winners. Conflicts of interest involving the candidate papers are considered when deciding who will serve on an award committee, and no one with a conflict is permitted to serve on the committee for the award in question

All submitted papers are automatically eligible for IAPR Best Paper and IAPR Best Poster awards. To be eligible for the more specific awards, authors must confirm their eligibility when the paper is first submitted using the Easy Chair system:

IAPR Best Student Paper. Authors must check the submission form box certifying that most of the work was done by the student listed as the first author, making the paper eligible for consideration for the Best Student Paper Award. The student author must have been a registered student at the time of paper submission.

In addition, to receive an award, the paper in question must be presented “live” at the conference by one of the co-authors. No exceptions will be made to this rule.